Show me an example Shelter Over The Head: May 2011
Apa kesan pembukaan SKVE seksyen 2 pada prospek pembangunan Kuala Langat?

Monday, 23 May 2011

My First Home Scheme / Skim Rumah Pertamaku - 4

We have been receiving enquiries about the condition of having to pay 10 % down payment for the house which is below RM220,000.00. What happens to the My First Home Scheme ( Skim Rumah Pertamaku ) launched by the PM where one doesn't have to pay the 10% down payment?

The 10% down payment exemption is not without conditions. Even if your salary / income qualify you to fulfill the monthly house installment based on 100% loan, you still have to pass the TEST of the bank.

1. How is your credit card payment record?
2. How is your car installment record?
3. How about other hire purchase repayment records?
4. Do you have any bounced cheque history?
5. Does your monthly repayment exceed 40% of your disposable income?

Simply put, anyone who buy house and apply loan from the bank will be tested on repayment capacity and repayment track record / history. And as far as the repayment track record is concerned, the bank takes into consideration your ONE YEAR REPAYMENT RECORD!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Housing project at Jalan Haji Hussein, Jalan Kebun, Shah Alam - Construction progress 5

The progress of column and roof beam work as at 19th May 2011.
Taman Kebun Melur is taking shape....

Friday, 20 May 2011

Housing project at Jalan Haji Hussein, Jalan Kebun, Shah Alam - Construction progress

Clearing of trees and red earth work start on June 2010

 The FaceBook of the project.
Houses were open for registration on end January 2011.

Preparation of work at site for piling / foundation work on February 2011.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

My First Home Scheme / Skim Rumah Pertamaku - 3

My First Home Scheme ( Skim Rumah Pertamaku ) will NOT make one who earn RM3,000.00 to be able to buy a more expensive house. The biggest benefit from this scheme is about one not having to pay 10% down payment on the house one qualifies for.

With or without the scheme, you still afford the same price category of house. The banks only give you the loan amount which you qualify for based on your salary / income, and they will continue to do so. 

The Government can make it a ruling that 10% down payment is not required but it cannot fix the interest rate. And this can affect the installment you pay every month. If the interest rate goes up, you pay more for your installment ; the government cannot help you here.

Assuming your salary remain the same, how much does a 10% increase on the loan amount ( from 90% to 100% loan ) on a 30 to 40 years repayment period, effect your monthly installment? The increase is manageable.

How many Malaysian earn RM3,000.00 a month? What price category of house are they qualified for? Can they get it in town? Near the town area with public amenities, common facilities and accessibility to their working place? CAN THE GOVERNMENT BUILD ENOUGH OF THIS THROUGH POLICY?

How can you bring price down through policy? Realistically speaking, it will not hold for long! The government cannot make a person who cannot afford a more expensive house because his salary / income doesn't qualify for the loan by pulling the price of the house down through policy / ruling. This will not work long term. How is the government going to do it? Through subsidy like petrol? Or sugar? When developers cannot make money from building houses of any type or category, they won't build. So, the government can come in with ruling to force them to build? Or maybe the government can become the developers for this scheme?

The salary / income of the the PEOPLE must be increased through education, training and the creation of better-paid  jobs through investments in the relevant industries. When the people earn more, more people can afford to get a shelter over the head ; more can buy bigger house, better house, and perhaps more than one house ......


Kelebihan utama Skim Rumah Pertamaku adalah membolehkan golongan pemuda bawah umur 35 tahun kebawah dengan pendapatan / gaji bulanan RM3,000.00 kebawah untuk memiliki rumah pertama mereka dengan pinjaman 100% ( tidak perlu bayar 10% deposit ).

Secara amnya, bank hanya memberi pinjamam mengikut kemampuan bayar balik pemohon dengan garis panduan dimana gaji bulanan mesti tiga kali ganda ansuran bulanan yang perlu dibayar pada rumah itu. Jikalau rumah yang dibeli dengan pinjamam 100% dimana bayaran ansuran adalah RM1,000.00, maka gaji layak untuk dapat pinjaman adalah RM3,000.00 sebulan.

Kalau ansuran bulanan rumah adalah RM700.00 berdasarkan pinjaman 100% harga rumah dan gaji anda RM1,800.00, maka tak layaklah kamu : Skim Rumah Pertamaku tidak dapat membantu kamu.

Realiti pasaran adalah bercangggah dengan niat Skim Rumah Pertamaku. Harga rumah bukan main tinggi di Klang Valley. Susah hendak dapat rumah bawah RM220,00.00 dekat bandar. Ramai kena ikat perut kalau nak beli rumah dekat bandar dengan gaji purata yang rendah. 

Adakah harga tinngi rumah semua salah pemaju? PEMAJU JUAL RUMAH DENGAN HARGA TINGGI, ITU SALAH! Dan pemilik tanah jual dengan harga tinggi tak salah? Syarikat buat bahan pembinaan jual harga tinggi tak salah? Dan kos untuk dapat kelulusan membina yang tinggi itu tak salah?

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

My First Home Scheme / Skim Rumah Pertamaku - 2

Stamp duty exemption of 50% ( 50% pengecualian duti setem ) on instrument of transfer ( surat cara pindah milik ) and loan agreement instrument ( surat cara perjanjian pinjaman ) for a house not exceeding RM350,000.00 for the first time buyer come into effect 01/01/2011. This means, the candidates of My First Home Scheme ( Skim Rumah Pertamaku ) would enjoy this incentive, besides the other incentives highlighted earlier.

Monday, 16 May 2011

My First Home Scheme / Skim Rumah Pertamaku

My First Home Scheme summarised :

1. The price of the house / property must not be more than RM220,000.00

2. Household income (or combined income of husband and wife for those who are married ) must not exceed RM3,000.00 per month.

3. Candidates must not be more than 35 years old and have never owned a house before.

4. Candidates must be currently working in a private sector. Those who are self-employed and from government sector cannot apply for this scheme.

5. Candidates can get 100% loan from the panel of banks appointed under this scheme ; candidates do not have to pay 10% down payment.


Skim Rumah Pertamaku - ringkasan.

1. Untuk pembelian rumah pertama sahaja dengan harga tidak melebihi RM220,000.00.

2. Untuk golongan muda bawah umur 35 tahun dengan pendapatan tidak melebihi RM3,000.00 sebulan.

3.Untuk mereka yang kerja dalam sektor swasta, sudah sah dalam jawatan dan enam bulan bekerja dengan majikan yang sama.

4.Pinjaman bank 100% dengan tempoh bayar balik tidak melebihi 30 tahun. ( Pembeli rumah tidak perlu bayar wang deposit 10% )

5. Dalam kes pemohon bersama ( antara suami dan isteri, adik beradik ), mereka yang terlibat mesti kerja dalam sektor swasta.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Other costs in purchasing a house / Kos tambahan pada pembelian rumah

As a general guide, majority of house buyers are required to pay a 10% deposit to purchase a house and get a loan of 90% from the bank.The 10% is to be paid when signing the Sales and Purchase Agreement.

Many first time buyers make the mistakes of under budgeting to purchase their house. There are other costs involved when you sign the Sales and Purchase Agreement : besides the 10% of the house value, you need to pay the other costs such as lawyer fee, stamp duty and disbursements for both the Sales and Purchase Agreement and Loan Documentation, mortgage and fire insurance, and valuation report.

Sometimes, the developer's representatives do not make it known, they assume the house buyers know it or have extra money to pay for it. While there are many who have  more than 10% of the house value that they purchase, there are many more who have just barely enough to buy it, but still buy it for the fact that it's a shelter over the head.

It's advisable that the house buyers  ask for the list of cost of purchase, direct and indirect one, from the developers' representatives who handle the house purchase and related documentation. With this data, you can plan for it. As a rule of thumb, you should set aside 5% of the house value for this part of the cost of purchase.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Purchasing your first house / Membeli rumah pertamamu

How much loan can you get from the bank versus how much should you borrow?

Try not to over borrow or go to the maximum of the loan amount which you are qualified for. As a guide, you should not commit to a monthly housing installment where it's more than 40% of your salary / income. Once the loan is approved, every month you have to pay the installment, no ifs and buts. You cannot pay, the bank will lelong your house. You must be able to take care of the house in order for the house to take care of you.

The bank can give you 100% loan for the house, but the question is : Can you afford it?

It's advisable to still have some balance of cash for saving after the monthly commitment for emergency.

BUY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD - this is a valid advice, be it you are buying a single storey house or a much bigger house . Don't let the house stay on your shoulder in the form of monthly installment which you struggle to pay every month ; buy one you can afford, one that can provide shelter over the head.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Housing project at Jalan Haji Hussein, Jalan Kebun, Shah Alam - Floor plan, Elevation plan, Roof plan.

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