Show me an example Shelter Over The Head: October 2011
Apa kesan pembukaan SKVE seksyen 2 pada prospek pembangunan Kuala Langat?

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Malay reserved property

1. Many new single storey terrace houses in the new housing projects at Kampung Jalan Kebun at Shah Alam, Kampung Kebun Baru and Kampung Jenjarom at Kuala Langat, Johan Setia at Klang, including areas surrounding Kapar and Meru in the state of Selangor are built on Malay Reserved lands, thus making the houses reserved for Malays only.

2. Non-Malays, Bumiputera Kadazans and other bumiputera, and Indian Muslims are not allowed to buy this property under "Malay Reserved property".

3. A Malay Reserved property is always marked with the words Malay Reserved on the individual titles. Such title is also called Geran Merah in local lingo.

4. A Malay Reserved property can only be transacted between the Malays.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Affordable homes for the rakyat - Skim Rumah Pertamaku and PR1MA

1. Steps must be taken to ensure that what happened to the low-cost housing scheme do not happen in the affordable housing scheme through Skim Rumah Pertamaku and PR1MA.

2. The objective of these schemes like other public programmes should not be sidetracked. The good intentions of the two housing schemes are to enable more lower income and middle income Malaysian of all races staying in the urban and suburban to own homes.

3. We have seen many times that implementation and accessibility to the government policies are two different things.

4. It is delivery of the policy, how it is implemented to reach the target people, the deserving ones and the qualified ones that make the national programme a success or otherwise!

5. Transparency  must be present in the implementation of the programme. People must have access to the information as how and why it turned out the way it turned out.

6. Many programmes have ended up as promotion or branding of certain minister or political leader - hence it was implemented on political motivation and not market driven.

7. Red tapes must be cut,cut, and cut. Too many process and too many tuan besar to go through to get the things approved means too much times are needed to get things done. That environment breeds corruption which is akin to pure, clean water in containers that breeds nyamuk aedes!

8. The government must set up a national database to register Malaysians who are interested to buy affordable houses and vet them to make sure that ONLY THOSE DESERVING AND QUALIFIED ONES GET IT.

9. It will be very sad that this good-intentioned affordable home scheme go to people who use it as rental properties at the expense of the genuine deserving families. Let's hope the government could draw some precious lesson from the low-cost housing scheme. Some not qualified ( over qualified ) ones got it and make it a rental properties by renting it out to foreigners. Some houses have BMW and Camry parked in their porch. These people gain undeservedly from the taxpayers money at some fault of the government implementation efficiency.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

New housing project - cost saving green features

Housing developers undertaking smaller new housing projects should also incorporate the cost saving green features into their projects as have been done to other bigger housing projects. Developers have to become more creative and innovative. Some of these features can be had through the design and structure of the house which don't have to come with much additional costs.

Even in the not-so-big new housing projects in areas surrounding Jalan Kebun and Jalan Kampung Lombong at Shah Alam, Johan Setia at Klang, Jalan Kebun Baru Batu Sembilan and Batu Sepuluh, Teluk Panglima Garang, Jenjarom and Banting under Kuala Langat district, such cost saving green features are starting to gain popularity.

Some of the environmental friendly house designs and features that can help save cost for the house owners  :

1. house design that lets in more natural light.
2. high ceiling and larger window that make the interior more airy.
3. water efficient sanitary wares and fittings.
4. energy saving light fittings.
5. heat insulation rockwool in the roof.
6. heat extracting wind turbine.
7. rain water harvesting system.
8. north-south orientation.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Projek perumahan baru terbengkalai - 3

1.0 Jikalau anda, pembeli rumah baru, tidak tahu : Syarikat pemaju dan pengarah syarikat akan disenaraihitamkan jika terlibat dalam projek projek perumahan bermasalah seperti :

1.1 projek terbengkalai.

1.2 projek yang gagal disiapkan mengikut tempoh yang ditetapkan ( kediaman bertanah seperti rumah teres satu tingkat, dua tingkat, berkembar dan banglo mesti disiapkan dalam tempoh 24 bulan dari tarikh S&P ).

1.3 gagal membuat laporan mengikut jadual seperti laporan pembinaan yang perlu dilakukan setiap tiga bulan ( empat laporan dalam setahun ).

2.0 Memang ada undang undang untuk melindungi golongan pembeli rumah baru dari pemaju perumahan di Malaysia.

3.0 Tapi ada banyak kelonggaran dalam undang undang ini yang boleh dimanupulasikan - itu sebab ramai pengarah syarikat pemaju yang sudah disenaraihitam boleh buat pembangunaan projek rumah baru LAGI dengan syarikat baru yang PUTIH.

4.0 Projek rumah terbengkalai boleh dibendung sungguhpun konsep bina dulu dan jual kemudian dalam industri perumahan belum lagi dilaksanakan.

4.1 Apa yang diperlukan adalah permantauan yang sistematik.

4.2 Tindakan undang undang mesti setimpal dengan tahap kesalahan itu! Tindakan undang undang mesti dikenakan kepada mereka yang buat salah. Tindakan undang undang mesti dilihat, diketahui, dipercayai akan dikenakan kepada mereka yang melanggar undang undang itu tanpa kira siapa pengarah syarikat pemaju itu ataupun siapa lagi yang mereka kenali! Kalau denda wang jumlah besar itu tak cukup, denda lokap pasti berkesan! ( Ooop! Saya akan dipanggil masuk jumpa boss besar tak lama lagi! )

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Abandoned housing projects - action that cannot be taken by the government.

Government will use RM63,000,000.00 to rehabilitate 1,270 abandoned houses under budget 2012!

1. Imagine what can be done with so much money? If it is going to cost so much money to solve this problem, if it keeps recurring, what are the government going to do?

2. The government said if the concept of build then sell is implemented, then the problem of abandoned projects can be solved. But what is holding them back? Why are they not implementing it?

3. The price of houses will cost more if Malaysia practises 100% build then sell system of delivery :

3.1 Small developers will be forced out of the business due to their financial limitation to take up the project - they will also not be able to get the loan to finance the projects for the same reasons faced by other SME entrepreneurs with regard to their balance sheet and cash flow record.

3.2 In the absence of healthy competition where only a few players are in the game, house buyers stand to lose more in term of pricing on the houses.

3.3 The price of houses will cost more as the capital cost in the form of loan undertaken by the developers to build the house on build then sell system will be added to the price of the houses.

63 juta ringgit untuk selamatkan 1,270 rumah terbengkalai dari peruntukan bajet 2012!

1. Apa yang boleh dibuat dengan jumlah wang yang sebesar ini jika ia boleh dijimatkan? Selagi masalah projek rumah terbengkalai tidak dapat diselesaikan, jumlah wang sebesar ini akan digunakan berulang kali.

2. Mengapa konsep bina dulu jual kemudian dalam industri perumahan untuk menyelesaikan masalah projek terbengkalai tidak dilaksanakan oleh Kementerian Perumahan?

2.1 Kerajaan hanya mengalakkan pemaju perumahan menggunakan konsep bina dulu dan jual kemudian dalam projek perumahan baru mereka supaya tidak terjadi peristiwa projek terbengkalai.

2.2 Kerana itu bukan undang undang, maka ramai pemaju yang tidak menggunakan konsep sedemikian.

2.3 Jika kerajaan melaksanakan sistem bina dulu jual kemudian dalam industri perumahan, pasaran hartanah hanya akan terbatas kepada pemaju besar besar sahaja. Pembangunan projek perumahan baru di taman taman di Jalan Kebun dan Jalan Kampung Lombong di Shah Alam, Johan Setia, Sijangkang, Kampung Kebun Baru, Jenjarom dan Banting tak akan jadilah.

3. Bila hanya pemaju besar besar yang boleh  membina projek rumah baru dengan konsep bina baru jual atas kedudukan kewangan mereka ataupun keupayan mereka untuk mendapat pinjaman bank untuk membiayai projek mereka, ini akan menimbulkan satu keadaan di mana mereka boleh mempengaruhi pasaran. Ini akan merugikan golongan pembeli rumah dari aspek harga rumah.

4. Harga rumah juga akan menjadi lebih tinggi dengan konsep bina dulu baru jual. Ada berapa peniaga atau pemaju yang ambil wang sendiri untuk perniagaan ataupun projek perumahan baru mereka? Mereka yang berniaga akan pinjam dari bank untuk buat bisnis mereka. Itu merupakan satu kos perniagaan yang yang dicampurmasuk pada harga untuk ditanggung oleh pembeli rumah.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Projek perumahan baru di Jalan Kebun, Shah Alam @ Taman Kebun Melur - 8


Perkembangan pembinaan di Taman Kebun Melur - Kini dalam peringkat kerja bumbung.

Construction progress at Taman Kebun Melur - new single storey terrace house project at Jalan Kebun, Shah Alam - now at roofing stage.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Cost of living - some points to share

1. Price of food have gone up by 83 % in the last four years. Price of houses have also increased between 20 to 50 percent depending on location, with some at 80 %. These are our basic needs. How much have your salary increased over the period?

2. This happened against subsidies on certain major items like rice, sugar and petrol. Without which we are told would have caused price of food to be higher. Which would have caused more to follow.

3. So how are we going to live with inflation, a phenomena the country cannot solve?

4. Subsidy is not the long term solution to handle the problem of increasing cost of living. It's a temporary measure only. Money is always limited in supply to very country. They have to tax it from somewhere to spend it. If it is spent as subsidy, it cannot be spent for something else.

5. By increasing the salary in both the government and private sector, people will have more disposable income to afford the higher prices. But the increase in salary must be sustainable. Money must come from somewhere in the sense that it cannot fall from the sky.

6.On the part of government, prudence must be the order of the day. Certain old ways of running things must be stopped. Certain new ways of management to reduce wastage must be implemented. Ways where things can be done more cheaply and not so much have to be spent must be put in place. There is much truth in the saying that it is increase in efficiency when wastage is cut!

7. Oil accounts for 40% of Malaysian government revenue. Imagine what will happen if Malaysia runs out of oil to pump one day. How then is the government going to sustain the subsidy being undertaken, increasing the salary of the civil servants?

8. On the part of private sector, salary increase cannot be 100 % matched with the increase in the cost of living. Salary is one portion of the product or service cost that will invariably be passed down to the consumers IF it's not sustained by increase in productivity. Increase in real productivity will result in lower cost, better profit without price being higher, higher salary to the employees. Only in this way, salary increase is sustainable.

Projek perumahan terbengkalai di persekitaran Shah Alam / Klang dan Klang / Kuala Langat

1. Ada projek perumahan terbengkalai di Johan Setia, Sijangkang, Jalan Kebun, Jalan Kampung Lombong, Kampung Batu Sembilan dan Sepuluh Kebun Baru dan juga di persekitaran Teluk Panglima Garang, Jenjarom dan Banting? Memang ada!

2. Ada projek perumahan yang nampak tiang konkrit sahaja. Ada projek perumahan yang sudah siap bumbung baru jadi terbengkalai!

3. Punca utama projek rumah baru terbengkalai :

3.1 Masalah aliran kewangan syarikat pemaju - wang yang patut dibayar untuk A digunapakai untuk B

3.2 Kajian pasaran yang tidak terperinci - atas salahtaksiran bahawa rumah baru mesti boleh dijual tanpa ambilkira lokasi, kemudahan persekitaran, permintaan pasaran dan keadaan ekonomi semasa.

3.3 Masalah teknikal - butiran infrastruktur yang tidak mengikuti undang undang atau langsung tidak disediakan kerana kurang pengetahuan.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Property development - sharing of thoughts (2)

Writing down what I concur for my record and also just to share - what it takes to succeed in property development?

1. Good land bank for consistent and uninterrupted project development.

2. Vision and entrepreneurship.

3. Specialization that will lead to market research for innovation and product differentiation.

4. Leadership that can develop a strong specialized management team that are result and goal driven.

5. An organization with working environment that has the speed to decide and execute.

6. An organization that's slim, lean and mean. That's the way to go.

7. Number got powers! But that cannot be be accepted in totality. If there is no specialization, no vision, no entrepreneurship, size can be a great burden. In the globalized world, businesses need to be slim, lean and mean and also FAST.

How to have that kind of environment that sustains and nurtures entrepreneurship in property development?

1. No creation of monopoly of any sort.

2. Government should not condone any sort of monopoly in the industry. The government should not even be perceived so! 

3. Competition should be encouraged. Competition is the key to success to any market. They say competition will bring out the best of an enterprise.

4. Government should facilitate and make things easy for businessman and entrepreneur to do business. But the government should stay out of business. Business and politics are bad mix. The world has seen this - red tape and government hand in the business are VERY BAD for business.

5. The route of property development should not be hindered by logs in the highway where the driver of the vehicle is on the wheel, if there is already highway in existence!

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