2. Housing Development Act 1966 are the principal laws governing the business of housing development in West Malaysia. The Act generally protects the house buyers because it contains the house buyers' rights and stipulates that the developers have to honour these rights of the house buyers.
3. Besides the laws, what make a development to be successful where it is built, completed and delivered with vacant possession together with certificate of completion and compliance ( CCC ) to the house buyers within the stipulated time frame?
4. Inexperience on the developer side on technical and planning matters will cause the building structure and infrastructure to be compromised, Inner road, sewerage, drainage, substation provision and specification which are not complied with, will cause the certificate of completion and compliance ( CCC ) not issued by the authority. That is why we have housing projects with all the walls, window and door frames plastered and roof constructed being abandoned at the stage of 70 - 80 percent completion.
5. Reference to the housing act states that delivery of vacant possession does not mean that the house buyers can move in to stay immediately. THE VACANT POSSESSION MUST COME TOGETHER WITH CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND COMPLIANCE ( CCC ).
6. CCC certifies that the property in question is SAFE AND FIT to stay in and hence allows the house owners to move in to stay because that property has met the relevant authority rulings and with water and electricity connection in place.
7. When the housing development has a strong construction team in the form of project manager / consultant, main contractor, there will management on work progress for technical compliance. With this management element in place, work progress will meet the completion schedule. This will prevent extra cost from being incurred by the developers. To redo and rectify cost money. In many instances, it has been proven that it costs more to redo and rectify than to get it right in the first place. To be late for delivery also cost money in the form of penalty that need to be paid. When extra cost exceeds the profit margin, possibility of delaying the project comes up.
8. Development is very much about cash flow management. Money must come in at the scheduled time to sustain the activity of construction and overall progress of the work. Money don't come, workers stop work and suppliers stop delivering goods. Some people say, development is a money game. The developer is not the boss; the money is. Looking from this angle, it is true.