1. We have AKPK ( Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit / Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency) from Bank Negara providing financial education to individuals on how take control of one's financial wellbeing. How about the education of home ownership to first time house buyers in regard to their financial responsibilities as borrowers?
2. Once you bought a house ( the construction starts ), your financial responsibility starts as well. Paying monthly house installment is not like what you owe to credit cards where you can stall by paying the minimum 5%. Three months you don't pay the house installments, the bank will give you the "intention to lelong" letter!
3. The incident of properties / houses being auctioned for failure to service the loan is across the board - it happens to bungalows and low cost houses.
4. HBA ( The National House Buyers Association of Malaysia ) was quoted as saying that the success of any public housing programme should be measured by helping the lower income group to buy a house and remain as homeowners. That is a precise statement. The education programme should also be extended to all first time house buyers to raise the knowledge of financial responsibility of owning a house!
5. It is of utmost importance that one live within one's means. When it comes to owning a house, especially your first house, buy based on what you are comfortable in paying the monthly housing installment LEST you carry it over your shoulder all the time instead of it providing a shelter over the head.
Faktor faktor mengenai aspek kewangan yang perlu difikirkan sebelum membeli rumah "pertamaku" :
1. Macam mana untuk memenentukan jenis rumah yang harus dibeli? Rumah harga berapa yang harus dibeli?
2. Ini perlu dijawab dengan baik supaya masalah kekurangan wang bagi menampung pembelanjaan bulanan tidak menjadi masalah selepas bayar ansuran bulanan rumah.
3. Berapakah baki pendapatan / gaji bulanan setelah tolak commitment keseluruhan ( kredit kad, ansuran kereta, bil utiliti, pembelanjaan anak anak , yuran, kos makan satu bulan untuk keluarga dan lain lain yang berkenaan )?
Pendapataan bulanan itu tidak harus ambilkira overtime ( OT ) dan elaun ealun lain.
4. Sebagai garis panduan , bank hanya akan meluluskan pinjaman rumah jika bayaran ansuran yang dikenakan tidak melebihi satu pertiga gaji / pendapatan pembeli rumah.
5. Beli apa yang anda mampu dan bukan apa yang anda ingin. Jikalau anda beli rumah yang lebih besar dan cantik dari apa yang anda mampu, anda kena pikul rumah itu di bahu anda!!