Show me an example Shelter Over The Head: Buying developer's house - defect liability period / Membeli rumah baru dari pemaju perumahan - tempoh liabiliti kecacatan
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Thursday, 1 September 2011

Buying developer's house - defect liability period / Membeli rumah baru dari pemaju perumahan - tempoh liabiliti kecacatan

As a house buyer, what is your right or protection from buying developer's house?

1. The defects liability period is a period of 24 months starting from the day the house buyer takes possession of the house. During this period, the developer is to make good the defects such as roof leakage, pipe leakage, ponding on the floor, cracks on the wall that appear in the building.

2. Developer is not exempted from structural defects / latent defects even after the defect liability period. Meaning? The developer is liable for defects arising from the structure and foundation work whereby the house buyer can take action against the developer for breach of contract even if the defects liability period is over.


Membeli rumah baru dari pemaju perumahan : Apakah hak atau perlindungan anda sebagai pembeli rumah?

1. Tempoh liabiliti kecacatan adalah 24 bulan dari tarikh pembeli rumah ambil pemilikan kosong. Dalam tempoh ini, pemaju rumah diwajibkan untuk memperbaiki kecacatan pada rumah seperti bumbung bocor. paip bocor, air takung, dinding retak.

2. Pemaju rumah bertanggungjawap atas kegagalan struktur bangunan sungguhpun ia berlaku selepas tempoh liabiliti kecacatan. Pemaju perumahan tidak terlepas tanggungjawab dari kegagalan struktur : itu tanggungjawab sepanjang umur pemaju.

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