1. Could some of the housing projects have been saved from abandonment if there were proper and efficient monitoring on the progress of the projects to see if they complied with the rulings and requirements?
2. While the ministry of housing had no part to cause the housing projects from being abandoned by irresponsible, inexperienced, unprofessional developers, could the ministry not have helped in reducing the numbers?
3. Why keep talking about amending the laws to curb the problems of abandoned housing projects when there are ample provisions under the Housing Development Act that the ministry can enforce to protect the house buyers?
4. If the laws exist BUT are reluctantly enforced, why had it in the first place?
5. Looking at the numbers of reported and recorded numbers of abandoned projects in Selangor and the amount of money involved, one is prompted to ask what is the ministry doing, has been doing and, will do next?
5.Rectification always cost less when done earlier. Less progressive claim will be made when the defect or noncompliance were dealt with in the early stage.
6.While house buyers cannot blame the ministry / government on abandoned housing project, but DEFINITELY the ministry can help in reducing the numbers....if there is efficient, determined approach in the monitoring job on housing development.
Ada langkah yang boleh diambil untuk mengurangkan masalah projek rumah baru terbengkalai?
1. Memperketatkan pemantauan dalam perkembangan pembinaan pada setiap project rumah baru untuk memastikan pemaju perumahan mematuhi undang undang ataupun garis panduan. Tindakan awal untuk menyelesaikan apapun masalah akan jauh lebih kurang / mengimatkan kos dan mempunyai peluang penyelesaian yang lebih tinggi.
2. Rumah sudah siap tapi tak ada bekalan air. Itu punca yang menyebabkan satu projek perumahan baru di Bandar Saujana Putra, Sepang, Kuala Langat gagal mendapat sijil layak menduduki.
Rumah sudah siap dan progressive claim sudah dibayar kepada pemaju mengikut tahap pembinaan siap, baru masalah tak mampu siap rumah timbul.
Apa yang tak betul dari aspek undang undang yang sedia ada dan permantauan samada dari pihak kementerian ataupun agensi agensi teknikal?